Where have I been?

Wow…it’s been almost 6 months since I have worked on this site. I know that I have not been as dedicated as I needed to with this blog. I have a very large vision for this and it scares me. Recently I was accepted into a mastermind group and one of my goals was to get some help with this project. Some advice, assistance, knowledge, etc…anything that could help this become successful. I know that time management is on of the biggest obstacles that I have and this has not been a priority in the last year. Last night when the mastermind group met, I got to be in the “hot seat” and get help working through a topic. I chose the topic of time management. With the recent move back to AL, I have realized that I don’t manage my time outside work very well. The group gave me lots of great ideas and feedback. I am so thankful for everything they said. I was also challenged to determine why I started this project so you could see some changes as I ponder that thought.

The List

As I begin this new journey, I wanted to share the first piece of advice that I used. Someone said to take 10 minutes and just write down all the things I needed to do. From there, I can start to prioritize the things that need to be done by me or my husband and things I can delegate out (another piece of advice). The point is to simply start and get something down in those 10 minutes. My list ended up being much more than tasks. I really looked at what I needed to do for me, my marriage, and my family. I have so many things I aspire to do but I can’t accomplish them all at once. I have always filled my plate until it overflowed. I am a workaholic and I’m trying to overcome that now that I have a new job. Back to the list. I have attached a picture this post (forgive the handwriting).

I welcome your ideas on how to manage time outside work. I would like to hear from you.

Thanks – Heather

One thought on “Where have I been?

  1. Heather, love the idea of getting it all out your head and on paper. I’ve found this to be so helpful at times that I’ve felt overwhelmed. It has a way of clearing the mind and giving space to assess what’s most important.

    Can’t wait to read what’s next in future articles!

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